Briggs & Stratton

Genuine Briggs & Stratton spare parts

If you are looking for genuine Briggs & Stratton spares, parts and accessories, look no further. We have a huge range available. If you don’t know the manufacturer's part number, don't worry, we can help you find it using our interactive machine diagrams.


To start using our parts diagram lookup, please click on the Briggs Diagrams View Now button below. The page will refresh, providing you with search options.

There are two search options available to you:

Search Types:

  1. 1. Model & Type number:

Enter the Model & Type numbers from your engine into the search box. It is very important that the numbers entered are accurate and in the correct format, failure to do so will prevent a match.

Here is an example of the correct format - an engine with a Model of 12T402 and a Type of 1174-E1 would use 12T402-1174-E1

  1. 2. Part Number:

Search by part number or description. This method can be used to identify applications where specific parts are used.

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